Trish Albert Consulting

Respect and Empathy | Social Histories through Indigenous Lens | Innovative Workshops

Embed Indigenous Perspectives: by exploring authentic resources; and engaging in workshops through a cultural lens.

Delve into a big basket of 'cultural capability' and 'curriculum' offerings ...


OVERVIEW Workshop Developer and Facilitator for: Schools and Education Bodies; and, government and other sector clients. Education Author. Bookseller. Advisor, diverse Cultural Projects. Consultant for book Publishers and the Museum sector. Does your Company or Organisation Booklets need Proofing, Checking for Accuracy of Indigenous Content, Editing and development of new Content? ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER CONTENT SPECIALIST

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Indigenous Advisory Service for Diverse Projects. Eg. Projects with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander themes, Art and History.

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Authentic and diverse resources which explore themes across the Australian Curriculum. The Books (see Publications tab) are available for purchase from Author, Trish Albert.

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FOR WORKPLACES Are you searching for a Workshop that can contribute to the cultural capability of your staff? Perhaps one that is face-to-face, culturally-safe and relies on the active participation of everyone? Click 'Learn More' if you are a government body or from other sectors.

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FOR SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION UNITS Are you searching for a face-to-face Workshop that can contribute to your staff's cultural capability and knowledge to implement Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives across the school's curriculum?

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Provide cultural knowledge, advice, editing and Indigenous content for children's books, for major Australian Education Publishers. Broad e perience in Museum Education: Interpretation of Indigenous Objects and Art for programs and kits | Program development and delivery of education sessions | Improve Cultural Capability of staff and volunteers for interactions with museum visitors.

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Acknowledgement to Country, from this website

I acknowledge the Elders past and present, being the Traditional Owners from the Yidinji Nation on whose lands I live and work. The Yidinji Nation encompasses lands that are parts of the Atherton Tableland, Cairns and south to the Babinda region. I respect the Yidinji Nation consisting of different Clan groups of the Rainforest, with ongoing connections to the land, sky and waters. Shared cultural icons include unique rainforest Yidinji Shields and Baskets. [Trish Albert, Wadjanbarra Tableland Yidinji]

What does my Cultural Capability basket open up for you?

A chance to collaborate, learn, reflect and assess your own capability journey. Original Artwork design: This particular style of woven Basket depicted in this vibrant artwork, represents my Yidinji Aboriginal heritage.

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Woven Basket (tbc)

To be completed.

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  • Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia

Workshop Information: I offer face-to-face Learning Workshops in Queensland and Interstate. Please contact me on the email address as shown above, and I will reply within five days. I can also be reached on email:

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TRISH ALBERT CONSULTING                    
What's in my Cultural Capability basket for you?


A little something I've learnt on my work journey 
I've learnt that Active Listening is a key communication skill. My honing of these skills has come from opportunities to work with diverse clients in government and non-government settings, and working in cities, as well as regional and remote locations. Two very different examples of roles include; conducting face-to-face complaints investigations for a national Indigenous accommodation company, and delivering face-to-face education programs to at least 12,000 visiting school students at a national cultural institution for more than a decade.

Being an 'active listener' is to listen to learn, and be wholly present and focused on what the other person is saying. Deep listening has helped me to better understand a person or a situation, and in turn, has contributed to successful outputs in workplaces throughout my career.

These skills were invaluable as I travelled in the field to explore stories, cultural beliefs, identity and viewpoints with Indigenous Australians across the country, and to work up close and personal. An ability to understand, analyse and evaluate complex information helps to build on genuine connection with others, and active listening was one of my core skill sets that enabled me to write non-fiction stories for a national cultural institution. So too, these skills are ideally suited in my consultancy for truth-telling, cultural capability, cross-cultural communication and incorporating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in what we do, and believing in respect for our learning .

A glance at my achievements: Author Education Publications | Consultation, research and work effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people | Program development, training, workshop facilitator and presenter in cultural institutions Independent Consultant for Indigenous-specific projects, including professional learning and cultural capability workshops for 6 years.

Some personal things about me
  • Most mornings I walk by a river at first light. Yidinji history is everywhere from the encircling mountains, fauna, flora and waters. It's a buzz to hear the orange-footed Scrub Hen, Jarracka, an important bird within Yidinji stories and beliefs, when it decides to call out from the bush. 
  • Cooking everything from scratch, reading, researching histories, writing, and photography.
  •  Making time to care for and bring joy to others, especially the elderly and vulnerable. I believe that 'giving' is the right thing to do, and actions speak louder than any words. 
  • I believe in showing up with kindness and empathy.
Please reach out if you’re interested in any of my services and products. I will bring a desire to talk openly, collaborate, and deliver a quality experience for you.
Keeping Language Alive

Keeping Language Alive

In 1788, there were around 250 Indigenous languages in Australia. About half of them have since died out and only 20 or so Indigenous languages are still strong and spoken by young people.This book shows how three schools are helping to keep language strong'. Discover the cultures and histories of different Indigenous groups as you learn about the Guugu Yimithirr, Wiradjuri and Torres Strait Creole languages.

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Keeping Language Alive                 (back cover summary)

Keeping Language Alive (back cover summary)

Keeping Language Alive shows how three schools are helping to 'keep language strong'. Discover the cultures and histories of different Indigenous groups as you learn about the Guugu Yimithirr, Wiradjuri and Torres Strait Creole languages.

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Keeping Strong Through Art

Keeping Strong Through Art

Art is a very important part of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Through art, traditions are kept alive - traditions tell of people's beliefs, identity and history. Keeping Strong Through Art book tells stories of many types of Indigenous art including paintings, carvings, costumes, storytelling and dance.

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Celebrating Survival Day

Celebrating Survival Day

Different events mark Australia Day on 26 January each year. In 1988 Indigenous Australians and supporters gathered in Sydney to celebrate the survival of their unique cultures, and so Survival Day was born. Celebrating Survival Day invites us to a Survival Day concert to experience voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as they express their cultures and identities through music and dance.

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Indigenous Sporting Greats

Indigenous Sporting Greats

Sport is an Australian way of life. Through the actions and voices of Indigenous sportsmen and women, we learn about policies and attitudes in Australia towards Indigenous people. Indigenous Sporting Greats celebrates their sporting achievements and the contributions they have made to Australia life.

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Special Objects

Special Objects

Through objects such as jewellery, tools, artworks and toys, traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are kept alive. Traditions show people's beliefs, identity and history. Objects are special cultural items that can represent voices of ancestors or living persons. In Special Objects we discover five special objects and their makers.

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Fighting For Rights

Fighting For Rights

Today all Australians have equal rights by law, however Indigenous Australians did not always have the same rights as other Australians. Fighting For Rights book shows how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have fought to have their voices heard and to make Australia a fairer place for their people.

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Indigenous Sporting Greats

Indigenous Sporting Greats

Sport is an Australian way of life. Through the actions and voices of Indigenous sportsmen and women, we learn about policies and attitudes in Australia towards Indigenous people. Indigenous Sporting Greats celebrates their sporting achievements and the contributions they have made to Australia life.

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Discovering Aboriginal Australia

Discovering Aboriginal Australia

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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The Travelling Yamani

The Travelling Yamani

In The Travelling Yamani, Ngadjon-Jii rainforest people share their beliefs through a creation story about a Rainbow Serpent. We discover an elder's traditional knowledge of bush foods from the rainforest. We also learn about Ngadjon-Jii's continuing connection to special places on their traditional lands of the Atherton Tableland area in North Queensland.

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Kaisiana's Journey to Torres Strait

Kaisiana's Journey to Torres Strait

Kaisiana's Journey to Torrest Strait explores the travels of a girl from Cairns who visits her grandmother on Thursday Island. Through Kaisiana's journey, we learn about her cultural identity. We also find out about the traditions of Torres Strait Islander people and the importance of place to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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Discovering Aboriginal Australia

Discovering Aboriginal Australia

What does an archaeologist do? Do you know where the oldest boomerangs have been found in Australia? In Discovering Aboriginal Australia we discover amazing facts about Australia's human history as we journey through time. We also learn why sites or places are culturally significant and continue to be special to Aboriginal people today.

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Stories Through Art

Stories Through Art

Art plays an important role in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. It is a way for artists to express their histories, cultural identities and opinions and to share their stories with others. In Stories Through Art, we explore an exciting range of artworks from paintings and sculptures to jewellery and art installations. Discover what has motivated eleven talented artists to create powerful works of art.

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Life at Mulga Bore

Life at Mulga Bore

Meet Lindsay Bird Mpetyane, an Anmatyerr man from Mulga Bore in Central Australia. Follow the marking of Lindsay's Bush Plum Dreaming painting, and discover why he paints this special story. In Life at Mulga Bore, learn how Lindsay and other elders celebrate and teach their Anmatyerr culture to children through various activities, from painting to finding bush tucker and water 'out bush'.

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It's More Than Art

It's More Than Art

Australian Aboriginal art is respected throughout the world. How have Aboriginal artists Banduk Marika and John Moriarty helped others to understand that Aboriginal art is intertwined with culture? Learn how Marika campaigned for better laws to protect Aboriginal artists from exploitation and discover Moriarty's role in creating the beautiful Qantas planes which became symbols of Australian identity in It's More Than Art.

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Life at Mulga Bore (back cover)

Life at Mulga Bore (back cover)

In Life at Mulga Bore, learn how Lindsay and other elders celebrate and teach their Anmatyerr culture to children through various activities, from painting to finding bush tucker and water 'out bush'.

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Remembering Coniston

Remembering Coniston

In 1928 in Central Australia, the killing of a European by an Aboriginal man led to expeditions by a police party that resulted in many Aboriginal deaths. These killings are knows as the Coniston massacre. How did society view these tragic events? Did Aboriginal people have a voice in 1928? Seventy-five years later, the groups affected shared their experiences at a special commemoration for the Coniston massacre.

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Making a Difference

Making a Difference

Many Indigenous Australians strive to educate others about their cultures and promote ideas for reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Making a Difference shares inspiring stories about how individuals and organisations have made a difference in Australian society by giving a voice to the histories and viewpoints of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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Unsung Hero

Unsung Hero

Today all Australians have equal rights by law, but this was not always the case. For Aboriginal soldiers returning from active service in the Second World War, the inequalities were made especially stark. Why didn't they have a voice in society? Despite generations of unfair treatment, Indigenous people have made significant contributions to Australian society and identity. In Unsung Hero, discover the experiences of one Aboriginal soldier, Eddie Albert, and how laws and attitudes impacted on his life.

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Remembering Coniston (back cover)

Remembering Coniston (back cover)

Did Aboriginal people have a voice in 1928? Seventy-five years later, the groups affected shared their experiences at a special commemoration for the Coniston massacre.

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Welcome to Mer Island: Maiem Taba Merem

Welcome to Mer Island: Maiem Taba Merem

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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Caring For Country

Caring For Country

Items left behind in the landscape by Aboriginal people tell a fascinating human history stretching back over 50,000 years. In Caring for Country, you can find out why the discoveries of human burials and footprints are of world-wide importance. Explore the cultural heritage of the Willandra Lakes region: a special place for the Paakantji, Ngyiampaa and Mutthi Mutthi peoples, and discover how they 'Care for Country' today.

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Kaurareg Mob

Kaurareg Mob

The Kaurareg are an Aboriginal seafaring people who come from the inner islands off the tip of Cape York Peninsula. Find out about how they were forcibly removed from their homelands in the early 1900s and how one man led their return in 1947. Explore how Kaurareg people have held onto their culture and identity despite a long history of discrimination and how stories of pride and determination are part of the Kaurareg's history.

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Welcome to Mer Island: Maiem Taba Meren

Welcome to Mer Island: Maiem Taba Meren

In Welcome to Mer Island, meet Joey, a Meriam person from remote Mer Island in the Torres Strait. Learn about Joey's cultural identity and efforts to keep his history alive. What traditions are important to Meriam people and how do they express their connections to their place? Discover why a High Court ruling in 1992 attracted national attention to Mer Island and made Joey's homeland famous

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First Australians: Plenty Stories

First Australians: Plenty Stories

For enquiries and/or to purchase any books please email me at the address found on the Contact Page.

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