Keeping Language Alive

Keeping Language Alive

In 1788, there were around 250 Indigenous languages in Australia. About half of them have since died out and only 20 or so Indigenous languages are still strong and spoken by young people.This book shows how three schools are helping to keep language strong'. Discover the cultures and histories of different Indigenous groups as you learn about the Guugu Yimithirr, Wiradjuri and Torres Strait Creole languages.

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Keeping Language Alive                 (back cover summary)

Keeping Language Alive (back cover summary)

Keeping Language Alive shows how three schools are helping to 'keep language strong'. Discover the cultures and histories of different Indigenous groups as you learn about the Guugu Yimithirr, Wiradjuri and Torres Strait Creole languages.

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Keeping Strong Through Art

Keeping Strong Through Art

Art is a very important part of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Through art, traditions are kept alive - traditions tell of people's beliefs, identity and history. Keeping Strong Through Art book tells stories of many types of Indigenous art including paintings, carvings, costumes, storytelling and dance.

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Celebrating Survival Day

Celebrating Survival Day

Different events mark Australia Day on 26 January each year. In 1988 Indigenous Australians and supporters gathered in Sydney to celebrate the survival of their unique cultures, and so Survival Day was born. Celebrating Survival Day invites us to a Survival Day concert to experience voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as they express their cultures and identities through music and dance.

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Special Objects

Special Objects

Through objects such as jewellery, tools, artworks and toys, traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are kept alive. Traditions show people's beliefs, identity and history. Objects are special cultural items that can represent voices of ancestors or living persons. In Special Objects we discover five special objects and their makers.

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CSD back cover

CSD back cover

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