Stories Through Art

Stories Through Art

Art plays an important role in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. It is a way for artists to express their histories, cultural identities and opinions and to share their stories with others. In Stories Through Art, we explore an exciting range of artworks from paintings and sculptures to jewellery and art installations. Discover what has motivated eleven talented artists to create powerful works of art.

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Life at Mulga Bore

Life at Mulga Bore

Meet Lindsay Bird Mpetyane, an Anmatyerr man from Mulga Bore in Central Australia. Follow the marking of Lindsay's Bush Plum Dreaming painting, and discover why he paints this special story. In Life at Mulga Bore, learn how Lindsay and other elders celebrate and teach their Anmatyerr culture to children through various activities, from painting to finding bush tucker and water 'out bush'.

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It's More Than Art

It's More Than Art

Australian Aboriginal art is respected throughout the world. How have Aboriginal artists Banduk Marika and John Moriarty helped others to understand that Aboriginal art is intertwined with culture? Learn how Marika campaigned for better laws to protect Aboriginal artists from exploitation and discover Moriarty's role in creating the beautiful Qantas planes which became symbols of Australian identity in It's More Than Art.

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Life at Mulga Bore (back cover)

Life at Mulga Bore (back cover)

In Life at Mulga Bore, learn how Lindsay and other elders celebrate and teach their Anmatyerr culture to children through various activities, from painting to finding bush tucker and water 'out bush'.

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How To Motivate Employees

How To Motivate Employees

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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How To Pick a Name For Your Startup

How To Pick a Name For Your Startup

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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