Indigenous Advisory Service for Diverse Projects - Indigenous, History and Art-based Projects.

Former Project:  An Indigenous Memorial Project (shown in Image) in Sydney, NSW.

Project Themes: Art-based and Indigenous History, and Contribution to Armed Services and Stories.

Organisation: City of Sydney Council Project, 2014-2015. 

My Role: Cultural Manager. 

Responsibilities: Reviewed and contributed content for the Memorial Plaque,  Delivered a Speech at the unveiling of the Yininmadyemi Memorial, and liaised and participated in an interview for a Documentary shown by NITV and SBS. 

IMAGE: The Yininmadyemi  Sculpture by Artist Tony Albert was installed 2015 in Hyde Park, Sydney. Visitors in 2018 were (from left) Miss Marcia Jerry, Ms Trish Albert and Yininmadyemi Artist Mr Tony Albert.

What is YININMADYEMI, THOU DIDST LET FALL? In 2015, the Sydney City Council unveiled a major artwork to honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander service men and women. Yininmadyemi, Thou Didst Let Fall, by Artist Tony Albert is a bold sculptural artwork featuring four upright bullets and three fallen, representing those who survived and those who did not. It also references the circumstances for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people when they returned home to Australia. Tony drew upon his Grandfather's story for his conceptual framing in developing the Memorial titled, Yininmadyemi Thou Didst Let Fall. 

Yininmadyemi is pronounced yinn-in-madj-amee.

Location: Traditional land of the Gadigal Clan. 

Artist: Tony Albert                    Curator: Hettie Perkins 

Find out more: visit the City of Sydney Council's website on this link: