First Australians: Plenty Stories

First Australians: Plenty Stories is a collaboration between the National Museum of Australia and Pearson Education. The series e pores the histories, cultures and identities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This upper primary level includes a poster pack and nine student readers organised around three themes: Our Places, Our Cultures and Our Voices.

The following 9 books featured here are: 

Caring for Country

Kaurareg Mob

Welcome to Mer Island

[Our Places theme]

Our Stories Through Art

It's More Than Art

Life at Mulga Bore

[Our Cultures theme]

Making a Difference

Remembering Coniston

Unsung Hero

[Our Voices theme]

Each front cover of these 9 books is displayed in colour on this website. You can read the description of each book from its cover. There is also a Poster Set of 10 Posters (appearing at bottom of the image) that complement these 9 books.

The Teacher Resource for middle primary has been developed to enable educators to approach the teaching of Indigenous culture with confidence. It is designed to provide learning e presences that promote discussion and encourage students to engage, e lore and reflect on a t  t.

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